The $1K Challenge

A generous friend who wishes to remain anonymous offered up the following challenge to help Jonas attend Sterling College!

She will send a $100/month to Sterling to pay for Jonas' tuition for 10 months (so, a total of $1,000!), if we can find 7 other people who are willing to do the same by June 14th. 

Are you, your church, or civic group willing to be one of those 7 by June 14th??  Let us know by emailing or calling 802-238-2226 and we will be in touch with the details.  

(Important Note: We are not a non-profit...we're just two people wanting to help Jonas.  So while your gift is not tax deductible, you'll have our and Jonas' undying appreciation and promise to pay it forward as soon as we can!)

June 1, 2016
Today is Day 2 of the matching gift challenge for Jonas, and one donor has already accepted! Today I wanted to share the financial aid essay Jonas wrote in the fall before he started the English program at St. Mike's. Even though I knew his story, it brought tears to my eyes. Tomorrow I will share his essay for Sterling to demonstrate his incredible growth after just eight weeks of the program. First English Essay 

June 2, 2016
Today is Day 3 of the matching gift challenge for Jonas, and we are in need of 6 more donors!
I want to share the essay Jonas wrote as part of his application to Sterling for three reasons: 1) It showcases his incredible progress in English skills...this was after just eight short weeks of St. Mike's English program-the mid point-and speaks volumes to his incredible intellect 2) It showcases his perseverance as this essay had to be typed. He received his first computer in 2014, and 2016 was the first time he ever used Word or PowerPoint for class assignments. 3) It expresses his passion and commitment for the work he wants to do in the world.  Sterling Admissions Essay

June 3, 2016
Today is Day 4 of the matching gift challenge. Today I share this video from the last time I was in Jonas' village.
Many people have asked me through the years, "If school is so important, why don't the community and families help send kids to school?" Many people in the US just have no concept of what life is like in the world's third poorest country, where people are working non-stop 12 hour days as subsistence farmers just to have (barely) enough food to eat. There simply is no money. However, I've never felt safer or more welcomed anywhere in the world. I've never heard more laughter, or seen more smiles. I've never felt more accepted by, and connected to a community. We have a lot to learn as Americans from Burkinabe culture, and I look forward to Jonas sharing this with his new learning community at Sterling.

June 4, 2016
Today is day 5 of the fundraising challenge and are in need of 6 more donors. Today we are selling wedding presents, Father's Day gifts, and cold drinks at Enosburg Dairy Days. Come say hi!

June 5, 2016
Today is day 6 of the fundraising challenge and we are in need of 5 more donors. Today I am sharing this recent picture of Jonas and Jaxon playing together at the beach. Having to raise funds is something that's really difficult for us. If you know me, you know that I pride myself on my independence. I put myself through college with multiple jobs, scholarships, and loans, and I rarely ask for help. Jonas longs for this priveledge as well. When I captured this moment of Jax and Jonas playing together, it made my heart smile. And it also made me realize that it's already a foregone conclusion that Jax will have access to anything he wants because of where and how he was born. He'll have access to funds/loans for any college he gets accepted into, can travel when/where he wants to, will have access to work, and the majority of choices in his life will be about narrowing down all his many options. This is not the reality for much of the rest of the world, and hasn't been the case for Jonas to date.  Can you help to change that?

June 6, 2016
Today is day 7 of the fundraising challenge and we just received the news that a fellow Burkina Returned Peace Corps Volunteer has signed up to be our third supporter so we only need FOUR MORE to secure that extra $1k!
Today I came home from work and asked Jonas what he did today. "I spent the afternoon at the food shelf", he said. Given Jonas' background and life experience, issues of hunger and food insecurity are near and dear to his heart. While waiting to start St. Mike's, he started volunteering at our local soup kitchen and then our county food shelf. Over that six month period, he would come home with questions, observations, and-especially on days when he would make home food deliveries to the elderly living alone- a deserved share of social commentary about the less savory aspects of American culture. Now that he's on summer break, he likes to volunteer his free time back at the food shelf whenever he gets the chance. Today I wanted to pass along the letter of recommendation written by the local community action director as his observations of Jonas echo what everyone who's come to know him has experienced.
Food Shelf Letter of Recommendation

June 7, 2016
Today is day 8 of the fundraising challenge and we received incredible news today! Kara and Caroline (two fellow Returned Peace Corps Volunteers) have generously joined forces to accept the challenge. So we only need THREE MORE to secure that extra $1k…we’re so close!!
In rural Burkina, as in many parts of the world, the decision to move forward with an education is one the involves unthinkable levels of sacrifice to most Americans. At 11 years old, Jonas had to leave all he knew behind--his village and family--as the school in Tioyo only went through primary grades. He moved to a nearby city where he at first lived and cooked alone, until he found another child to live with him. Can you imagine two 11 year olds having to live alone and fend for themselves here in the U.S. in order to have the opportunity for education?
When his basic supplies of soap and rice were finished, he would have to ride his bike three hours back to village and hope his family had a little extra to send back with him. When he later entered high school, he moved further away and was only able to come home once or twice a year for short visits. Being so far away from his family, and most especially his mother, is something that’s incredibly difficult for Jonas. In the photo below, Jonas’ younger sister Augi and his mother are preparing dinner in the family kitchen area. He dreams of the day that he has the means to take care of them. Can you help him reach this dream?

June 8, 2016
Today is day 9 of the fundraising challenge and we are still reeling from the news of another challenge accepted! Local high school teacher Kristi Leetand her husband have generously donated to make a positive difference in Jonas’ life. So we only need TWO MORE to secure that extra $1k…we’re nearly there!!
Today I wanted to share this letter written by one of his professors from St. Mike’s English program. It offers another glimpse into who he is, and what he brings to a community. As she writes, “Jonas is one of those students all teachers hope for and delight in when they are fortunate enough to have them in class.” I’ve no doubt he will make an incredibly positive contribution to Sterling College. Will you help to give him that chance?  Letter of Recommendation

June 9, 2016
Today is day 10 of the fundraising challenge and we cannot believe how many amazing and generous guardian angels Jonas has!  Another $1k challenge was accepted today, comprised of donations from a family member, and friends Hilary and Lucas, and Margaret and Cesar. 
Today we are feeling copious amounts of hope so I wanted to share this photo from 2010.  The year before, Jonas had almost died and had to be out of school for three months.  When I came to visit, we went to his school together to collect his report card for that year and found that he was the top student in his class (out of 90)!  I share it as a reminder of a time of great uncertainty, followed by hope and optimism exceeding all expectations.  We are just one more donation away from reaching that $1k match…will we make it?   

June 10, 2016
Today is day 11 of the fundraising challenge and we are looking for just ONE MORE person or group to accept the challenge by June 14th.  Could that be you? 

When learning a new language, a lot of time is spent learning idioms and the culture that surrounds them.  Given the amazing obstacles Jonas has overcome and the many angels out there who have helped him, the American proverb below felt particularly apt.  Just keep stacking those stones, Jonas…you’re almost there!

June 11, 2016

Today is day 12 of the fundraising challenge and we are looking for just ONE MORE match. AND thanks to the generous pledges of two donors, we are already $350 of the way there…just $650 remains between Jonas and that additional $1k. Your gift will make the difference!
Up until last year, Jonas was on track to become a lawyer. Last year’s terrible drought changed his mind, and now he will be pursuing sustainable agriculture in hopes of bringing positive change to Burkina. (His entire family and much of the country are subsistence farmers—this article could have been written about his family in Tioyo.) Climate change is very real, and Jonas looks forward to helping Burkina’s agricultural methods adapt to counteract the impacts.  Article About the Climate and Farming Crisis in Burkina Faso 

June 13, 2016
Today is day 14 of the fundraising challenge and there are just 26 hours and $650 left to secure that $1k match for Jonas’ tuition at Sterling. Are you able to help us reach our goal?
As Jonas starts thinking about what his life will be like there come August, I thought it fitting to share more here about Sterling’s innovative model of education and approach to environmental stewardship.

June 14, 2016
Today is day 14 of the fundraising challenge and…WE MADE IT thanks to very generous gifts from friends in California and a Burkina RPCV who wish to remain anonymous, and Janna (the reason I made it through Peace Corps!) and her soon to be husband. Our seventh and final donor group!
In two weeks’ time, over $8k was donated to help pay for Jonas’ school. We’re still in shock from it all: that's more than a full semester!! During this time, over 20 people made financial contributions: this included friends, family, acquaintances, strangers, pensioners, school teachers, and everyone in between. Dozens more reached out with yard sale donations, advice, well wishes, and moral support. Every single one of you are Guardian Angels--purveyors of hope and inspiration--and we cannot begin to adequately articulate our deep gratitude.
Someone I admire recently shared this poem with me and, in turn, I wish to share it with you:

When Giving Is All We Have
Alberto RĂ­os, 1952

One river gives

Its journey to the next.

We give because someone gave to us.

We give because nobody gave to us.

We give because giving has changed us.

We give because giving could have changed us.

We have been better for it,

We have been wounded by it—

Giving has many faces: It is loud and quiet,

Big, though small, diamond in wood-nails.

Its story is old, the plot worn and the pages too,

But we read this book, anyway, over and again:

Giving is, first and every time, hand to hand,

Mine to yours, yours to mine.

You gave me blue and I gave you yellow.

Together we are simple green. You gave me

What you did not have, and I gave you

What I had to give—together, we made

Something greater from the difference.